3 Effective Tips For Better And Healthier Tooth Brushing

While this small but important part of our daily routine may seem like one of the easiest things to do, brushing your teeth properly is vital to maintaining a strong and healthy set of pearly whites. Though tooth brushing may not seem all too complicated for most of us, there’s actually a wrong way to do it. We owe it to ourselves to make a conscious effort to maintain our oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth to take care of for the rest of our lives. From brushing techniques to picking out a soft toothbrush, we’ll list down three helpful tips you need to remember for better and healthier tooth brushing.

Don’t Brush Too Hard

Yes, there can be too much of a very good thing. Known as “brush abrasion”, brushing your teeth with too much pressure can do you a lot more harm than good. Brushing too hard can wear down the natural enamel on your teeth and damage your gums little by little. Consistently brushing your teeth too hard, which most people do without realizing it, will eventually lead to serious dental issues such as periodontal disease. To avoid brushing too hard, equip yourself with a soft toothbrush that can guide you to using the right amount of pressure. You can also employ a better brushing technique by positioning your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brushing with soft, circular strokes.

Show Your Gums Some Love

A large percentage of the bacteria in your mouth is actually in your gumline. Gently brushing your gumline is an effective way to reduce the bad bacteria in your mouth and protect your teeth from plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky white substance that builds up in between where your teeth meet your gums and is able to cause bad breath, tooth decay, and bad breath if you continue to neglect your gums. Your gums are an extremely sensitive part of your mouth, tend to it by brushing with a soft toothbrush to avoid any tearing or bleeding. Soft and gentle strokes against your gums will do the trick.

Pick The Right Toothbrush For You

The overwhelming amount of toothbrushes available for you to choose from on the market can definitely cause some serious choice paralysis. Remember, not all toothbrushes are created equal! Put some thought into your oral health and do some research on what toothbrush works best for you and your needs. Hard toothbrush bristles aren’t able to bend and reach the nooks and crannies deep in between your teeth, steer clear from them as much as you can. Always choose a toothbrush with soft bristles so you won’t apply too much pressure to your teeth and gums. This little detail will make the difference in how clean your mouth will be, and how healthy it will be in the long-run.

If you’re on the search for the best toothbrush there is for you out there, designed to dial in the perfect pressure to avoid damage to gums and teeth, then you might want to try a ZentFlex. It’s the only toothbrush on the market featuring a patent-pending flex joint which limits brushing pressure to 150 grams so you can get your teeth clean without causing damage. Equipped with the highest quality soft bristles for optimal brushing, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and happier set of pearly whites in no time.