Modern Strategies for Helping Someone With a Chronic Medical Condition

According to disease experts, more than half of all adults in the United States have at least one chronic health condition. Possibilities include arthritis, asthma, hypertension, and failing kidneys. Strokes and weakening cognitive abilities make managing ailments even more stressful. Here are some ways friends and loved ones can help those in a delicate condition.

Physical Assistance

Individuals with serious health concerns tend to have difficulty moving around. Be there to help them from one point to the next. Patience is key; people with illnesses are often far slower than those without such problems.

Consider gifting a power lift chair. These recliners tip upward and make standing less of a struggle. Many even come with enticing amenities, such as massagers, cup holders, and warming functions. 

Adjustable beds are another option that the person you're assisting is bound to appreciate. Lifters make getting out less cumbersome, and newer ones are as quiet as a dormouse. Options that come with higher-end models, such as foot positioning assistance, may be beneficial in helping sufferers achieve solid rest. All sorts of advantages result from experiencing a decent night's sleep and may improve mood and lessen overall discomfort.

Dental health is as vital as getting proper shuteye. The individual you're caring for might have difficulty performing tooth-brushing duties as effectively as possible. Your participation could become necessary to get the most out of this chore.

Mental Assistance

Battling failing health is as psychological as it is physical. Showing empathy is mandatory for every caregiver. If you are someone without severe health concerns, this may not come naturally. Practice listening more and speaking less. You're performing an important role just by being an outlet for a patient's feelings. 

Research the individual's condition. The more you know, the more effective you are as a caregiver. With expanded knowledge, you have an increased likelihood of asking relevant questions that directly aid caregiving duties. 

Medical Assistance

Those with chronic illnesses often attend doctor appointments. Your assistance can make the process go smoother. Many physicians allow online check-ins, thus speeding up the ordeal. Before leaving home, double-check that your loved one is carrying medical IDs and insurance information. Alternatively, facilitate virtual visits and skip the outing.

Pack a selection of creature comforts. For instance, a puzzle book helps alleviate downtime if an extensive wait develops. Doctors' offices sometimes offer complimentary snacks and bottled water. However, you should bring along your own to keep your special person comfortable just in case. A favorite pillow is another item that provides relief during unexpectedly long delays.

Many medication-taking tools are available. Experiment until you figure out which ones suit you and the patient best but always set up text alerts as reminders when pills are due.

Progressive diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia are increasingly demanding. There is bound to come a time when your assistance is no longer adequate. You can find the right round-the-clock assisted living home by engaging in online research and visiting potential residences. Tackle this job properly, and you're apt to discover a place that matches the individual's budget and facilitates various needs.

It's never easy when the health of someone you care for is in decline. That said, there's comfort knowing you've done everything possible to help that person live as happily as possible. Strive to become the best caregiver you can; the satisfaction you derive should warm your soul and last a lifetime.

Could Your Electric Toothbrush Be Causing Damage?

Electric toothbrushes, as well as manual ones, can be very effective if used correctly. However, if you’re like most people and brush too hard, you could be causing damage to teeth and gums without knowing it. And all the extra power of an electric toothbrush could be making matters worse. In a recent independent study, electric toothbrushes caused the largest amount of damage to tooth surfaces when just 200 grams of pressure was applied (most people apply 200 to 300+).

So how hard should you brush?

According to The Journal of Clinical Periodontology, “Two minutes and 150 grams was the optimum time and pressure for the average person’s brushing regime.” Unfortunately, "It is virtually impossible for the average user to gauge how much pressure they are applying during their brushing regime.” says Dr. Peter Heasman, world renowned dentist and researcher.

There are some expensive electric toothbrushes that beep, light up, or stop when you brush too hard, but none physically prevent overbrushing. An alternative is a toothbrush made by Zent with a pressure sensitive, click-joint that limits brushing pressure to 150 grams.

But Electric Toothbrushes Are Better…Aren’t They?

The ADA (American Dental Association) says unless you have trouble using your hands, a manual toothbrush is just as effective as an electric.

Consumer Reports dental adviser Jay W. Friedman, D.D.S., M.P.H. says, “it really doesn’t matter which brush you use.” Just don’t get carried away. “Excessive brushing with manual or electric has its risks,” Friedman says. “Too much pressure and too frequent brushing can abrade enamel, or the root if the gum has receded.” This abrasion, he says, can cause teeth to become hypersensitive to hot and/or cold.

The Bottom Line

If you’re using good technique, brushing twice a day for about 2 minutes each time, with 150 grams of pressure, then you’re all set regardless of what type of toothbrush you use. But if you think you might be brushing too hard, it may be a good idea to try a toothbrush that dials in the perfect pressure to get a feel for it.

How Your Health Insurance Can Help You Reach Your “New Year, New Me” Goals

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Many of us resolve to look after our health, lose weight, be more active and enjoy a better quality of life with more energy. If your resolution is to enjoy the new year with a whole new you, take a look at your health insurance to see if your coverage can be the best tool you have to meet your goals. Many seniors don’t realize just how helpful their insurance can be.

Visit a Nutritionist

To improve your health, start with what you eat. Make sure you’re eating a diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and legumes. Eat a moderate amount of red meat, and stay away from foods that are high in sugar. This will help you maintain a healthy body weight, reduce your risk of developing diabetes, and lower your cholesterol levels. A diet rich in nutrients and vitamins is extremely important for adults over the age of 65, and the foods you eat will help you stay healthy for years to come. Your health insurance can assist you on this journey, and with an Advantage Plan, you may be eligible to receive nutrition therapy to get a dietary plan tailored to your needs.

Access a Weight Loss Program

Do you want to enjoy your golden years in great health? Meet your “new year, new me” goals by accessing a weight loss program. Your health insurance covers obesity screenings, counseling, and dietary suggestions to help you become your best self, so don’t let your weight hold you back. Did you know that nearly 29% of seniors are struggling with obesity? Use your health insurance to lose weight and feel healthy and confident.

Be More Active

One of the best things you can do for your overall health is to be more active. Make sure you do a few minutes of activity every day. This is good for your heart health, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and lowers your blood pressure, keeping you young as you age. Getting daily exercise also boosts your immune system and improves your mood. Being fit is a great way to prevent negative health outcomes, and reduce the number of doctor’s visits you’ll need in the year ahead. Medicare can help you be more active with the SilverSneakers program. This program is completely free for Medicare Advantage plan users, and it’s designed to help seniors get in shape. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to more than thousands of gyms across the country, use gym equipment, or even join a fitness class.

Make Dental Health a Priority

Keeping up with your oral health should always be a priority. Particularly if you’re on a variety of medications, which often cause dry mouth. In turn, a dry mouth can lead to cavities and gum disease. Prevention starts with brushing and flossing twice a day. Be nice to your gums, and invest in a softer toothbrush like Zent, which offers the right amount of pressure without hurting your teeth or gums. Other ways to address dry mouth include staying hydrated, using oral moisturizers, and chewing sugar-free gum. It’s also important to get regular checkups, though bear in mind these aren’t covered by Medicare. Your best bet here is to sign up for an independent dental plan through a reputable provider.

Did you make a resolution to be your best self? If you need help with your “new year, new me” goals, your health insurance plan could be the most powerful tool at your disposal. You may not realize just how many benefits you can access with your health insurance, so contact your insurance provider to find out what your plan can do for you. Visit a dietitian to learn about nutrition, manage your weight, or discover the SilverSneakers program to get more active. Maintain your health regardless of your age, and be your best self in the year ahead.

Your Guide to Modern Parenting: Tips for Raising Kids from Toddlers to Teens

Modern parenting is all about raising good kids while balancing your traditional core values with modern-day concerns, including technology, mental health awareness, and equality. Today, we know much more about parenting than we once did. The strategies our parents used on us aren’t necessarily best for our children. Kids growing up today have to navigate all kinds of new challenges, many of which are brought about by technology. Zent invites you to explore some tips and resources to help you make sense of it all! 

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Many parents have a hard time deciding how to get the most out of technology without encouraging unhealthy habits.

●        Turn to educational games and activities as a way to give your children the chance to enjoy technology while learning something along the way.

●        Take advantage of online learning opportunities to pursue your own goals.

●        Make sure you know what your kids are being exposed to online.

●        Remember to set limits and encourage offline play.

Model Healthy Behaviors

Encouraging your kids to adopt healthy habits starts with you! Focus on modeling healthy eating, exercise, and stress coping behaviors so your kids pick up these same habits.

●        Cook healthy meals and get your children involved in the food preparation process.

●        Invite your children to join you for healthy activities like biking, hiking, or playing tennis.

●        Keep your home organized by cleaning up after yourself instead of creating a habit of leaving clutter around the house.

●        Make it easy for them to remember to brush and floss their teeth every day with easy-to-use toothbrushes and fun-flavored toothpaste and floss.

●        Model healthy coping mechanisms for stress or other uncomfortable emotions.

Treat Them with Respect

You cannot teach your kids respect without being respectful to them. Treat them like the people they are by avoiding baby talk, giving them the power to make decisions, and really listening when they have something to say.

●        Talk to your kids like you would to an adult. Modeling normal, respectful conversations will help them feel understood, included, and intelligent.

●        Genuinely listen to your children when they’re talking to you.

●        Let your kids have a say in family decisions.

●        Treating your teenagers with respect is one of the best ways to encourage them to show respect for you in return.

While the internet has given us access to all kinds of valuable parenting advice, this has actually made parenting harder. There’s so much conflicting information out there and it can be impossible to know what to take and what to leave. The good news is that there is no right way to raise children. Treat your kids with respect and give them your unconditional love, and you’ll do great!

Dental Health Tips for the New Year

The new year is approaching, and even though your resolution is to eat less junk, even the occasional (or not so occasional) sweets can be detrimental to your oral health. To help, the team at Zent shares some things to consider and habits you need to start integrating into your routine in order to prevent poor dental hygiene and enjoy good oral health in the new year.


It’s no surprise that brushing your teeth is the first and foremost way to combat cavities. While most people do brush their teeth at least once a day, it’s common to not be able to find the time to fit in the recommended twice a day brushing. In order to fit in a cleaning two times, consider storing a toothbrush at work or in your gym bag, and start brushing after meals. You’ll also want to ensure your toothpaste is fluoride based, that you are brushing for at least 2 minutes and that you are replacing your toothbrush or brustle head every few months. If you’re an aggressive brusher, it’s time to lighten up and save your gums with the Zent toothbrush. Made with hard-brushers in mind, this flexibler toothbrush helps you apply the necessary pressure without doing any damage to your mouth.


Flossing is key in helping remove this plaque and lingering remnants of food. A wax lined floss is easier to use, but a wax free one is more effective in eliminating plaque. Make sure you are flossing every time you brush, that you make it between each tooth and then follow up with a disinfectant mouthwash.


If you’re looking to whiten your teeth before the annual family vacation, you can either see a dentist or try some home remedies. Dr. Axe asserts that, “Using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil pulling, and applying products like apple cider vinegar can all whiten your teeth naturally — in addition to offering benefits like antibacterial and antiseptic protection.” While over the counter solutions also show results, they tend to result in tender teeth and gums, making a visit to your favorite dentist a must to avoid damage. 

Watching Your Diet

Brushing and flossing alone are not enough to keep your teeth in tip top shape. Your diet greatly impacts your oral health as well. Acidic foods such as coffee and fruit for example can eat away at your enamel if you’re not careful. To avoid tooth decay and gum disease, try and limit your intake of sugary items like soft drinks, candies and cookies. 

Reducing Stress

Stress can negatively impact your oral health, so take steps to keep it in check. Embrace some stress-reducing lifestyle strategies, like meditation and yoga. And consider extending your efforts toward your home. Do some decluttering and cleaning to help optimize your well-being, and consider adding uplifting artwork or a few potted plants. If it’s been a minute since your home had a thorough top-down cleaning, the new year presents the perfect time. You can even take it a step further and have carpets and furniture deep cleaned. Look to sites like Angi to connect with qualified professionals with top ratings to ensure quality work.

Having a great smile and healthy teeth is a key part of feeling good about yourself. Take the time to properly care for your oral health and you’ll be surprised at the boost of confidence that will result both now and throughout the new year.

Making Yourself a Business Priority

Entrepreneurship requires a significant degree of dedication, so much so that there’s a tendency to sacrifice self-care in pursuit of business-building. This approach can quickly overtake you, resulting in burnout, which can be detrimental to both you and your business. Zent shares some office solutions that can help you get organized in a professional setting by helping you meet all of your workspace needs.

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is a term used to describe taking care of yourself and making yourself a priority from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint. It means scheduling “you” time as a top priority along with critical business functions, and not relegating yourself to the back burner, even when time and resources are tight. While many people see self-sacrifice as an appropriate way of living when they’re getting a business up and running, left unchecked, this way of life has the potential to result in poor health, unmanageable stress and anxiety, and fractured personal relationships.

What Should I Eat?

Part of self-care is making mindful choices about what you consume in the form of food and drink. Going overboard with caffeine dehydrates you and leaves you feeling wired and shaky. Consuming too much alcohol can make you groggy and lead to poor decision-making, as well as potential problems with addiction. On the other hand, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, eating whole foods, fresh produce, and drinking plenty of water will make you feel better inside and out. It will also help improve your sleep cycle and give you more focus time and more energy to do the things you want and need to do.

How Can I Relax?

Put personal time on your calendar and treat it just like any other important appointment - in other words, don’t cancel vacation days - schedule them and keep them as a priority. This is especially important if you manage other people, which can be a stressor in itself. Relaxation for you might mean a leisurely lunch with friends, a family game night, a nice bath and book, or wearing comfortable clothes while binging your favorite TV show. The great outdoors can also be a soothing getting-back-to-nature time. Consider a primitive camping trip, or at the other end of the spectrum, “glamping,” living in nature with the creature comforts of home. For example, with a power bank, a sturdy stand, and your smartphone, you can stream your favorite shows while sitting beneath the stars.

How Can I Reduce Stress?

According to the American Psychological Association, exercise is good for you physically, as well as mentally. Create a home gym, join a workout program, or employ a friend to be your accountability buddy for morning or evening walks. You might also learn yoga, begin mindful practices, like meditating or take up journaling. Hiring out for some work or home tasks can also relieve stress and pressure. For example, you might utilize a freelance accounting firm to handle invoicing, accounts payable, and payroll, or a housekeeper to keep your home sparkling clean. Consider these costs to be investments in your business and your personal health and wellbeing.

How Can I Create Balance?

There’s a lot that goes into establishing a healthy work-life balance, and it all starts with learning how to say no. This can be a tough task for some people, but it gets easier with practice. You don’t have to explain yourself when you turn down a request or invitation, though if it makes things easier, simply cite your schedule. While it may be tough for startups, try to create and stick to set working hours as much as possible. This can be especially helpful when you’re caring for a family and want to ensure you’re fully present for the things that matter most to you. 

Entrepreneurial ventures are exciting and fast-paced, and while there are sure to be times when you need to work at full speed, try to make that the exception rather than the rule. Too much work will eventually result in overload, so a regular routine of self-care and carefully managed time can help you achieve a workable and healthy balance.

How to Safeguard Your Teeth and Gums During the Holiday Season

One of the things that makes the holidays so special is the wonderful food -- especially the desserts -- and that's alright. Who wants to live in a world with no cookies, cakes, ice cream, or pastries? But too much indulging can lead to toothache, not to mention a few extra pounds. So, celebrate the sweetness of the season in moderation by following these oral hygiene tips from ZentFlex.

No Candy Crush

Chomping down on hard candies can chip your teeth. It’s better to just let them dissolve in your mouth instead. But follow up your indulgence with a quick rinse of plain water until you have the chance to brush or floss.

The reason why hard candy is hard is because it’s made with sugar syrup that hardens at room temperature. So, the harder it is, the more sugar it probably has in it.

When candy -- especially hard candy -- sticks in the grooves and crevices of our teeth, we’re tempted to over-brush or brush too aggressively. This aggressive brushing can cause issues in and of themselves, including tooth abrasion and receding gums. If you tend to over-brush, use a ZentFlex toothbrush, with its patented flex point that gives your brushing the perfect pressure.

Mind Your Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages can damage your teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Alcoholic drinks like wine, mixed drinks, and beer contain carbohydrates, which is basically sugar. These carbohydrates are food for the bacteria in your mouth. When the bacteria eat the sugar, it releases acid, which is bad for your teeth. So limit your consumption or drink hard liquors instead. Most hard liquors do not contain sugar carbohydrates.

However, all alcohol is acidic, and acidic drinks can lower the pH balance of your mouth. If this happens, your mouth could become an environment where bacteria have an easier job of destroying the enamel of your teeth. So, be mindful of your drinks.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics have a ton of digestive benefits, according to Harvard researchers. But did you know that they also promote good dental health? So give your tummy and your gums a holiday present this year by loading up on these beneficial supplements. You can also get plenty of probiotics by eating sugar-free yogurt, unsweetened pickles, and cheese, especially swiss, cheddar, gouda, or parmesan.

Traveling? Bring a Brush

There are lots of reasons to pack light when traveling, especially if your destination includes a vacation rental in Houston, for example, a home away from home that usually includes all the essentials for a few nights’ stay. But one thing you should never leave behind is your trusty toothbrush. You can find travel-sized tubes of toothpaste and packages of dental floss at most local retailers.

Moisten Your Mouth

Saliva is one of your body's strongest defenses against tooth decay, according to US News. But many people have trouble producing saliva due to prescription medications or poor nutritional choices. So give those salivary glands a hand by drinking more water, eating fresh fruit, and keeping a few sugar-free mints on hand. You may also ask your healthcare provider about changing your medications if dry mouth remains a persistent problem.

Smoking? Quit.

Tobacco use is unhealthy for every part of your body, including your teeth and gums. The same holds true for so-called "e-cigarettes," which contain toxic levels of nicotine. So give your health a present by kicking the habit. Ask your healthcare provider about prescription medicines that can reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Professional Care

Oral self-care is great, but nothing can replace professional cleanings and other services only a dental office can provide. Here are two services that can only be performed by a dental office.

  • Straightening. If you would like to get your teeth straightened, you can consult your dentist about braces and clear aligners. Clear aligners are convenient and there are even those who offer an at-home aligner service for mild to moderate cases. Review different at-home aligner services before selecting a provider and to look for services that guarantee their results and pricing.

  • Reconstruction. Consult a specialist about the possibility of dental reconstruction. This procedure can erase a lifetime of poor dental health in many cases.

Follow your dentist's recommendations to the letter. Make an appointment today if it has been a while since your last visit. If you lack dental coverage, then look into programs offered by private groups, dental colleges, and government agencies.

Use these tips to safeguard your teeth and gums, during the holidays and after. Smile!

Is Your Electric Toothbrush Really Better? Experts Weigh In.

One of the big divides when it comes to oral care is this:  should you use an electric or a manual toothbrush?  Which one is better for your teeth and gums, and which one is really more convenient?  The answer to these questions may not be what you expect.

From The Experts

The ADA (American Dental Association) says unless you have trouble using your hands, a manual toothbrush is just as effective as an electric.

Consumer Reports dental adviser Jay W. Friedman, D.D.S., M.P.H. says, “it really doesn’t matter which brush you use.” Just don’t get carried away. “Excessive brushing with manual or electric has its risks,” Friedman says. “Too much pressure and too frequent brushing can abrade enamel, or the root if the gum has receded.” This abrasion, he says, can cause teeth to become hypersensitive to hot and/or cold.

So Why All The Hype?

First and foremost, electric toothbrushes are cool (and heavily marketed that way). We agree that an electric toothbrush can be easier to use than a manual one for those with arthritis or a dexterity problem that makes thorough brushing difficult. Between the wide handle and the motor, an electric toothbrush is particularly helpful for people with limited mobility in their hands.


With a manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush, the technique is much more important than design.  If you can get your brush into all the gaps between your teeth and if you brush correctly - at a 45 degree angle and with the right pressure (150 grams) for around two minutes, then there’s virtually no difference between the two. Studies have shown, time and again that electric and manual toothbrushes are equally effective.

According to Consumer Reports dental adviser Jay W. Friedman, D.D.S., M.P.H., “it really doesn’t matter which brush you use.” And in terms of plaque, “we really don’t know that it matters if a little more or less plaque is removed,” he says.

Overbrushing Risk

When using either a manual or an electric brush, it’s easy to overbrush and cause damage to enamel and gums. And the extra energy an electric toothbrush delivers can may make matters worse. An electric toothbrush can be perfectly safe if you use it correctly, but many people have trouble doing so. 

The Bottom Line

While electric toothbrushes are “cool” and have been heavily marketed as superior, the truth is that manual toothbrushes are cheaper, travel better, and are just as effective. Unless you have trouble using your hands, there’s no difference in effectiveness according to the independent experts.

The real risk regardless of what type of toothbrush you choose are the dangers of aggressive brushing on enamel and gums. ZentFlex is the only toothbrush with a patented click-joint that snaps back when you apply too much pressure (more than 150 grams), so you’ll always know when you’re brushing right and when you need to back off.

Could Your Electric Toothbrush Be Causing Damage?

Electric toothbrushes, as well as manual ones, can be very effective if used correctly. However, if you’re like most people and brush too hard, you could be causing damage to teeth and gums without knowing it. And all the extra power of an electric toothbrush could be making matters worse. In a recent independent study, electric toothbrushes caused the largest amount of damage to tooth surfaces when just 200 grams of pressure was applied (most people apply 200 to 300+).

So how hard should you brush?

According to The Journal of Clinical Periodontology, “Two minutes and 150 grams was the optimum time and pressure for the average person’s brushing regime.” Unfortunately, "It is virtually impossible for the average user to gauge how much pressure they are applying during their brushing regime.” says Dr. Peter Heasman, world renowned dentist and researcher.

There are some expensive electric toothbrushes that beep, light up, or stop when you brush too hard, but none physically prevent overbrushing. An alternative is a toothbrush made by Zent with a pressure sensitive, click-joint that limits brushing pressure to 150 grams.

But Electric Toothbrushes Are Better…Aren’t They??

The ADA (American Dental Association) says that unless you have trouble using your hands, a manual toothbrush is just as effective as an electric.

Consumer Reports dental adviser Jay W. Friedman, D.D.S., M.P.H. says, “it really doesn’t matter which brush you use.” Just don’t get carried away. “Excessive brushing with manual or electric has its risks,” Friedman says. “Too much pressure and too frequent brushing can abrade enamel, or the root if the gum has receded.” This abrasion, he says, can cause teeth to become hypersensitive to hot and/or cold.

The Bottom Line

If you’re using good technique, brushing twice a day for about 2 minutes each time, with 150 grams of pressure, then you’re all set regardless of what type of toothbrush you use. But if you think you might be brushing too hard, it may be a good idea to try a toothbrush that dials in the perfect pressure to get a feel for it.

The Evolution of the Toothbrush: The First Real Innovation to the Toothbrush in Decades

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The toothbrush serves as the first line of defense for our oral health, yet why hasn’t there been any real innovation in recent years? Does the toothbrush really need to be improved? A quick look at history suggests that the search  for the perfect toothbrush has been an ongoing goal for centuries. The question is, are we there yet?

The very first toothbrush dates as far back as 3,500 B.C.E. Our native ancestors used  “chew sticks" as a way to clean and sterilize their teeth and gums. Um, no thank you.

When we fast forward a few millennia to 1498,  we arrive at human history’s first bristled toothbrush. Sure, the bristles were made from the hair of wild boar, but it was at least a start. Small innovations to the type of bristles were tested ranging from horse hair to linens. These toothbrushes were certainly an improvement to the "chew stick," but it could be argued that “teeth were being mopped rather than brushed.”

Another time hop to 1960 and we have the first American-made electric toothbrush. First introduced to us by GE, the electric toothbrush has seen improvements made most popular by companies like Philips Sonicare and Quip. Even touted by some companies such as Quip as the "perfect toothbrush", the electric toothbrush has seen little improvement to the actual toothbrush itself. Rather, electric toothbrush innovation has been centered around safety, battery life, and brushing speed- none of which actually improve oral health outcomes. According to an exhaustive joint study completed by Witten/Herdecke University and the University of Texas, electric toothbrushes cause the largest amount of abrasive damage to your teeth.

Enter 2020 and we have the first real innovation to the toothbrush since 1960! ZentFlex’s patented, click-joint technology ensures that the perfect pressure is applied to your teeth and gums every time you brush. By gently snapping back when too much pressure is applied, the ZentFlex toothbrush protects your mouth from the harmful side effects of brushing too hard. Don’t just take our word for it. Gene Romo, DDS, a Chicago-based dentist and consumer advisor for the American Dental Association (ADA) had this to say about brushing too hard:

“Brushing too hard — or using the wrong toothbrush — can damage your teeth and gums, leading to problems like enamel wear and receding gums, which can in turn lead to tooth sensitivity. People tend to brush aggressively, thinking it’s the only way they can get their teeth to feel clean and look whiter. Not only does it cause recession of your gums, but you're also wearing away the white, glossy enamel on your teeth, making them look yellow and darker.” 

So, are we there yet? If you’re looking for the perfect toothbrush to best take care of your gums and teeth, then yes, yes we are. Check us out at ZentFlex to see what brushing with the perfect pressure can do for your oral health!

3 Effective Tips For Better And Healthier Tooth Brushing

While this small but important part of our daily routine may seem like one of the easiest things to do, brushing your teeth properly is vital to maintaining a strong and healthy set of pearly whites. Though tooth brushing may not seem all too complicated for most of us, there’s actually a wrong way to do it. We owe it to ourselves to make a conscious effort to maintain our oral health. After all, we only have one set of adult teeth to take care of for the rest of our lives. From brushing techniques to picking out a soft toothbrush, we’ll list down three helpful tips you need to remember for better and healthier tooth brushing.

Don’t Brush Too Hard

Yes, there can be too much of a very good thing. Known as “brush abrasion”, brushing your teeth with too much pressure can do you a lot more harm than good. Brushing too hard can wear down the natural enamel on your teeth and damage your gums little by little. Consistently brushing your teeth too hard, which most people do without realizing it, will eventually lead to serious dental issues such as periodontal disease. To avoid brushing too hard, equip yourself with a soft toothbrush that can guide you to using the right amount of pressure. You can also employ a better brushing technique by positioning your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brushing with soft, circular strokes.

Show Your Gums Some Love

A large percentage of the bacteria in your mouth is actually in your gumline. Gently brushing your gumline is an effective way to reduce the bad bacteria in your mouth and protect your teeth from plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky white substance that builds up in between where your teeth meet your gums and is able to cause bad breath, tooth decay, and bad breath if you continue to neglect your gums. Your gums are an extremely sensitive part of your mouth, tend to it by brushing with a soft toothbrush to avoid any tearing or bleeding. Soft and gentle strokes against your gums will do the trick.

Pick The Right Toothbrush For You

The overwhelming amount of toothbrushes available for you to choose from on the market can definitely cause some serious choice paralysis. Remember, not all toothbrushes are created equal! Put some thought into your oral health and do some research on what toothbrush works best for you and your needs. Hard toothbrush bristles aren’t able to bend and reach the nooks and crannies deep in between your teeth, steer clear from them as much as you can. Always choose a toothbrush with soft bristles so you won’t apply too much pressure to your teeth and gums. This little detail will make the difference in how clean your mouth will be, and how healthy it will be in the long-run.

If you’re on the search for the best toothbrush there is for you out there, designed to dial in the perfect pressure to avoid damage to gums and teeth, then you might want to try a ZentFlex. It’s the only toothbrush on the market featuring a patent-pending flex joint which limits brushing pressure to 150 grams so you can get your teeth clean without causing damage. Equipped with the highest quality soft bristles for optimal brushing, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier and happier set of pearly whites in no time.

4 Steps To Take When You Have Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a serious infection of the gums that surround your teeth.  This disease can lead to gum recession, loose teeth, bone loss, cavities, bad breath, and even worse possibilities if the infection spreads into the rest of your body.  Periodontitis is not something you should ignore or treat lightly, and instead, you should take the following steps to make sure you’ll be able to keep your teeth and keep that infection from entering your bloodstream.

1.     Visit Your Dentist

If you suspect you have a serious case of gingivitis or periodontitis, don’t wait for the six-month checkup to visit your dentist.  And if you haven’t been visiting your dentist as often as you should, then now is definitely the right time to go back.  Your dentist will be able to give your mouth a thorough examination and scrape away the plaque and tartar that have built up, and they’ll know what sort of medication and other treatments you should use to cure the disease.

2.     Floss Thoroughly

Flossing does more than just remove the food stuck between your teeth, it also clears out the plaque that builds up in those spaces and along your gum line.  Gingivitis and periodontitis often begin because the bacteria that cause plaque to build up along and under your gum line, and as they get in your gums become red, swollen, and infected.  Flossing might not feel pleasant, but the worst of the pain goes away after the first couple days and it helps protect both your teeth and gums.

3.     Use A Mouth Rinse

A good mouthwash can kill bacteria in places where your toothbrush and floss can’t reach, and that’s always a good thing when you have a bacterial infection in your mouth.  In fact, your dentist may recommend a mouth rinse as part of the basic treatment plan.  Still, whether it’s recommended or not you should be careful about which type of mouthwash you use and for how long.  Alcohol-based mouthwashes tend to dry the mouth out, and that can make a bacterial infection worse instead of better.

4.     Keep Brushing

Brushing can become harder when it doesn’t take much for your gums to start bleeding.  However, you shouldn’t let something like that stop you, especially since regular brushing will keep your teeth healthy and reduce the bacteria population in your mouth.  Instead, you should switch to a periodontal toothbrush with soft bristles designed to go easy on your gums and teeth.  With a periodontal toothbrush, you can continue to brush and keep any bleeding from your gums to a minimum.

One option when you’re choosing the right toothbrush is ZentFlex.  ZentFlex features a set of soft bristles that will keep your teeth and gums safe from over-brushing, and it also has a special handle that snaps back if you try to apply too much pressure.  This toothbrush can help you or your children learn how to brush the right way, and it’ll go easy on your gums when you’re dealing with periodontitis.

3 Tips For Dealing With Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a condition where the gums around your teeth have become infected with bacteria.  Bacteria is always living and growing in your mouth, but when you brush and floss properly it usually stays on the surface of your teeth and gums.  If it manages to get caught in between your teeth and gums it can lead to gingivitis and eventually periodontitis, and at that stage, it can eat away at your teeth gums, and jawbone.

The best thing to do when you notice symptoms of periodontitis is to see your dentist, but even after you’ve done that it can take a while for the condition to clear up.  Until it does, there are things you can do at home to improve your condition or at least prevent things from getting worse.  So if you’re suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis right now, be sure you follow this advice at least until the disease clears up.

1. Use An Antibacterial Mouthwash

Mouthwashes can have some issues, which is why not all dentists recommend using it.  However, when you’re currently suffering from periodontitis it’s a good idea to do what you can to cut down on the number of bacteria in your mouth.  Antibacterial mouthwash is a great way of doing that, especially since it can reach parts of your mouth that a brush and floss can’t.  However, you should also keep in mind that alcohol-based mouthwash can cause dry mouth if you use it too much, and dry mouth can make a mouth infection worse.

2. Brush Carefully

If you don’t brush, you aren’t removing the layer of plaque and bacteria that builds up on your teeth over time.  However, it’s also possible that you might be brushing too hard.  Brushing too hard can damage your gums, especially if they’re swollen and inflamed from a bacterial infection.  Fortunately, you can find a special toothbrush for gum disease that bends back so that you always know when you’re applying the right amount of pressure.

3. Floss Thoroughly

While mouthwash can reach small spaces, you need something like floss to push the plaque and bacteria out of these spaces.  Many people don’t get much benefit from flossing, but that’s only because they aren’t as thorough as they need to be.  Good flossing technique should involve rubbing against the base of both teeth when you push it into a gap and be sure to keep flossing until you get rid of all the food trapped in those spaces.  If you have trouble with regular floss, floss picks are much easier to use and convenient enough to carry around.

Periodontitis is a serious condition that can lead to permanent damage to your teeth or lost teeth.  If you leave it untreated for too long the infection can even spread into the rest of your body.  That’s why it’s important to visit a dentist when you notice symptoms like bad breath and puffy, red gums.  You should also get a good toothbrush for gum disease like the Zent Flex, and you can use it for regular brushing and teaching kids.