ZentFlex | Pressure Sensitive Toothbrush

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How to Safeguard Your Teeth and Gums During the Holiday Season

One of the things that makes the holidays so special is the wonderful food -- especially the desserts -- and that's alright. Who wants to live in a world with no cookies, cakes, ice cream, or pastries? But too much indulging can lead to toothache, not to mention a few extra pounds. So, celebrate the sweetness of the season in moderation by following these oral hygiene tips from ZentFlex.

No Candy Crush

Chomping down on hard candies can chip your teeth. It’s better to just let them dissolve in your mouth instead. But follow up your indulgence with a quick rinse of plain water until you have the chance to brush or floss.

The reason why hard candy is hard is because it’s made with sugar syrup that hardens at room temperature. So, the harder it is, the more sugar it probably has in it.

When candy -- especially hard candy -- sticks in the grooves and crevices of our teeth, we’re tempted to over-brush or brush too aggressively. This aggressive brushing can cause issues in and of themselves, including tooth abrasion and receding gums. If you tend to over-brush, use a ZentFlex toothbrush, with its patented flex point that gives your brushing the perfect pressure.

Mind Your Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages can damage your teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Alcoholic drinks like wine, mixed drinks, and beer contain carbohydrates, which is basically sugar. These carbohydrates are food for the bacteria in your mouth. When the bacteria eat the sugar, it releases acid, which is bad for your teeth. So limit your consumption or drink hard liquors instead. Most hard liquors do not contain sugar carbohydrates.

However, all alcohol is acidic, and acidic drinks can lower the pH balance of your mouth. If this happens, your mouth could become an environment where bacteria have an easier job of destroying the enamel of your teeth. So, be mindful of your drinks.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics have a ton of digestive benefits, according to Harvard researchers. But did you know that they also promote good dental health? So give your tummy and your gums a holiday present this year by loading up on these beneficial supplements. You can also get plenty of probiotics by eating sugar-free yogurt, unsweetened pickles, and cheese, especially swiss, cheddar, gouda, or parmesan.

Traveling? Bring a Brush

There are lots of reasons to pack light when traveling, especially if your destination includes a vacation rental in Houston, for example, a home away from home that usually includes all the essentials for a few nights’ stay. But one thing you should never leave behind is your trusty toothbrush. You can find travel-sized tubes of toothpaste and packages of dental floss at most local retailers.

Moisten Your Mouth

Saliva is one of your body's strongest defenses against tooth decay, according to US News. But many people have trouble producing saliva due to prescription medications or poor nutritional choices. So give those salivary glands a hand by drinking more water, eating fresh fruit, and keeping a few sugar-free mints on hand. You may also ask your healthcare provider about changing your medications if dry mouth remains a persistent problem.

Smoking? Quit.

Tobacco use is unhealthy for every part of your body, including your teeth and gums. The same holds true for so-called "e-cigarettes," which contain toxic levels of nicotine. So give your health a present by kicking the habit. Ask your healthcare provider about prescription medicines that can reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Professional Care

Oral self-care is great, but nothing can replace professional cleanings and other services only a dental office can provide. Here are two services that can only be performed by a dental office.

  • Straightening. If you would like to get your teeth straightened, you can consult your dentist about braces and clear aligners. Clear aligners are convenient and there are even those who offer an at-home aligner service for mild to moderate cases. Review different at-home aligner services before selecting a provider and to look for services that guarantee their results and pricing.

  • Reconstruction. Consult a specialist about the possibility of dental reconstruction. This procedure can erase a lifetime of poor dental health in many cases.

Follow your dentist's recommendations to the letter. Make an appointment today if it has been a while since your last visit. If you lack dental coverage, then look into programs offered by private groups, dental colleges, and government agencies.

Use these tips to safeguard your teeth and gums, during the holidays and after. Smile!