ZentFlex | Pressure Sensitive Toothbrush

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The Foods That Could Be Hurting Your Teeth

Maybe you brush the right way every time, maybe you use the very best ultra-soft gum toothbrush made to properly take care of your periodontal disease or gingivitis, and yet you’re still dealing with cavities and other dental concerns. It takes more than simply using a gum toothbrush, it also takes considering what you’re eating and what substances you’re exposing your teeth to. Your diet can influence the state of your teeth and oral health, so it pays to know what foods you should limit to keep your mouth healthy and strong.

This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy these foods, it just means they should be limited and followed by a healthy and thorough brushing session.

5 Foods That Could Be Damaging Your Teeth

 The 5 foods that could be damaging your teeth are:

1.     Bread – When people think about the foods that could hurt their teeth, bread typically isn’t high on that list. As we chew bread, our saliva breaks down the carbohydrates in bread into sugars. Combined with the sticky texture of chewed bread, these sugars are left sticking to and clinging on the surface of our teeth until they’re brushed away. This process can be lessened by choosing whole wheat bread in favor of white bread.

 2.     Alcohol – Since alcohol is often the main ingredient in mouthwashes, it may seem like alcohol doesn’t really hurt your teeth. However, alcohol causes dry mouth, and a lack of saliva means a lack of natural teeth cleaning. Our saliva naturally cleans away debris stuck into or onto our teeth throughout the day, but a dry mouth means these particles will be left behind.

3.     Ice – Because ice is made of water, most think it’s not unhealthy to chew ice when they want a cold crunchy treat. Chewing on a hard substance like ice, however, can do damage to the enamel protecting your teeth.

4.     Citrus fruits – While citrus fruits might have the Vitamin C you need to ward off a cold, these same acids could be wreaking havoc on your teeth. Acids erode the enamel on your teeth, making them more susceptible to decay.

5.     Potato chips – Potato chips have that crunch factor that makes them a perfect snack, but they’re not quite perfect for your teeth. These starchy snacks get stuck in your teeth much like bread, exposing your teeth to the sugars held inside. While it’s perfectly okay to eat potato chips, it’s important to brush with the right toothbrush afterward.

Eat What You Like With The Right Dental Care

A gum toothbrush that makes sure you’re brushing correctly, like the ZentFlex toothbrush, is what you need to make sure you can eat what you like without hurting your teeth. After indulging in your favorite foods and snacks, brush with a soft toothbrush without applying too much direct pressure, and clear away those particles that may be sticking around. For more information on brushing with the perfect toothbrush, contact us at ZentFlex today.